Some facts

  • The first mentions of Sillamäe refer to 1502 when Thor Bruggen opened a tavern here.
  • On territory of the city, there used to be 3 manor houses: Peuthof – church manor, Sillamägi-mõis, Türsel – knights manor. 
  • Before the beginning of World War I the town was famous as a resort zone. 
  • In 1928 in Sillamäe a slate processing factory and power station were open, later also a port. 
  • A new stage of Sillamäe's development started after World War II. For a long time Sillamäe was not marked on a map, as the address of the town was used as a special code. You could only enter the town with special permission. Secret warfare industry was a reason for this. 
  • The status of town was received in 1957.